
Orientations are usually held the first Monday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday of each month; see the calendar for specific dates of upcoming meetings. To attend an Orientation, please make a reservation no less than 24 hours in advance by email - orientation (at) soj.org.

Orientations are attended by prospective members and also current members of Janus (oftentimes officers and active members). It's led by two Janus officers who serve as your orientation guides.

Orientations start promptly at the time listed on the calendar. Because we respect the confidentiality of the information given by members and prospective members, doors are closed shortly after the Orientation starts. Orientees may not be admitted once the doors are closed.

Our Consent & Harassment Guidelines and COVID-19 Guidelines apply to all orientation events.


Orientation Format

Basic information about Janus - What we do and don't do.

Member introductions - When and why they joined and what Janus means to them, along with any offices held and activities participated in.

A short break - time to use a restroom and/or get refreshments.

Orientee introductions - similar to Member introductions, this is where orientees have a chance to introduce themselves using whatever name they choose.

You must attend the entire Orientation to be considered for membership. At the end of the Orientation, you will receive a membership application and a free program pass. You may fill out the application and turn it in immediately (along with your membership fee); if you want some time to think it over, you may take the application with you and return it by mail whenever you like. Either way, your program pass will entitle you to visit your choice of upcoming Janus programs for free, to help you make your decision (or, if you've already joined, to welcome you to the Janus community).

You will receive your membership card with your first issue of Growing Pains. If Janus is unable to extend you membership, you will receive a full refund of your membership fee.


Confidentiality is Very Important to Us

Anything mailed to you from Janus is sent in a plain envelope without Society of Janus identification (only our PO Box address). All personal information divulged in Janus meetings must be held strictly confidential. By accepting an Orientation invitation, you agree to maintain the confidentiality of all other attendees (orientees and members).


Future Janus orientations are typically scheduled 4-6 months in advance. See our calendar for upcoming dates and times.